Box Office: 512-869-SHOW (7469) Hours Mon-Fri 10 am-4 pm 

Adaptive Theatre For All

Classes and Camps

The Georgetown Palace Theatre is dedicated to quality theatre education for all members of our community. We offer a rich curriculum that can be tailored to the needs and capabilities of a diverse population. We know that the communication and processing skills necessary for success in theater help students to develop skills that increase social, emotional, and academic competencies.

Our adaptive classes and camps are appropriate for students on the Autism spectrum, or those with various diagnoses
such as Down Syndrome, severe ADHD, or any other developmental or sensory processing disorders.
Students under 18 may be asked to provide their individualized EP (Education Program) or 504 Plan.

For questions as to whether or not these classes and camps are the right fit for you or your student,
please contact Adaptive Program Coordinator Trina Sherman at

Placement determined after a meeting with the Program Coordinator.

Scholarships may be available.
Please email for an application.

We are also able to work with alternative external funding sources for our Adaptive Theatre for All students. 

Types of Classes Offered

Adaptive Performance (Acting for All)

Class Details

Multiple levels: placement determined after a meeting with the Program Coordinator

Students of all abilities will explore the art of theatre through games, exercises, and rehearsals. Over the course of the semester we will work towards our final performance of a family-friendly play in front of a live audience! In addition to rehearsing our show, students will learn about set, costume, and prop design and creation.

Along with theatrical education, this class will focus on developing social skills, emotional identification, and teamwork. Specifically, facial expressions, body movements, and vocal inflections will be studied.

Adaptive Dance

Class Details

Students of all abilities will explore various forms of jazz dance. We will teach basic technique and movements as well as simple combinations. Basic schedule:

Along with the basics of jazz dance, this class will help develop body awareness, spatial awareness, physical coordination and expression, and group collaboration.

Scholarships may be available.
Please email for an application.

Help keep our Adaptive classes and camps affordable!

Thanks to generous donations from organizations such as The Georgetown Arts and Culture Board, the Georgetown Health Foundation, Texas Commission of the Arts, and Chaparral Women’s Club, we are able to offer all of our special needs programming at low cost.

The Georgetown Palace Theatre Education Department
is located at 
The Doug Smith Performance Center
206 W. 2nd St.
Georgetown, TX 78626
(at the corner of Rock St. and 2nd St., across from El Monumento restaurant)